Production Farobox

FaroboxBox factory & Paper industry 360º


Box factory & paper industry for all purposes.

Always up-to-date and in constant evolution.

Boxes for man and lady shoes of all sizes, boxes for shirts, leather goods, confectionery and wine industry. Wrapping cartons of every kind and size.

Printed and unprinted tissue papers, white, coloured and economic tissue papers.

Paper sacks for industrial purposes. Boutique shopping bags.

All sort of adhesive tapes, standard or personalized, extensible and thermoretractable biadhesive tapes, pluriball films.
Guaranteed commitment and high professionalism.

All purpose services. We can meet our customers′ requirements, from small to medium and big supplies.

Secure commitment and professionalism.
Service 360º.
We meet every need of our customers from small to large supplies.

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